
Scalable Network Traffic Analytics (SNTA)

Monday, July 2, 2018, 13:30 – 17:30

Workshop program:


John Wu:  Scientific Data Services Framework for Exascale Infrastructure

John WuShort Bio
Dr. John Wu is a Senior Computer Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He works actively on a number of topics in data management, data analysis, and high-performance computing. His algorithmic research work includes statistical methods for feature extraction, indexing techniques for searching large datasets, and matrix based techniques for machine learning and scientific computing. He has authored and coauthored more than 100 technical publications, 11 of which have more than 100 citations each. He is the developer of a number of software packages, including, IDEALEM, SDS, FastBit and TRLan. Among them, the FastBit software for indexing large datasets has earned an R&D 100 Award, and is used by many organizations. For example, a German bioinformatics company uses FastBit to accelerate their molecular docking software by hundreds of times, and an US internet company uses it to sift through terabytes of advertisement related data daily. A FastBit paper is collected among the 40 major works funded by DOE Office of Science, as a part of its 40th Anniversary celebration.

IEEE ICDCS 3rd Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks (Internet-QoE 2018)

Workshop program:


  • Theophilus Benson, Brown University, USA
  • Stefan Schmid, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Christian Timmerer, Klagenfurt University and Bitmovin Inc., Austria

Theophilus Benson: A Data-driven Approach to Speeding Up the Internet

Theophilus Benson is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Brown University. His group works on designing frameworks and algorithms for solving practical networking problems with an emphasis on speeding up the internet, improving network reliability, and simplifying network management. He has won multiple awards including best paper awards, an applied network research prize, various Yahoo! and Facebook Faculty Awards, and an NSF Career award.

Stefan Schmid: Predictable Data Communications With (Self-)Adjusting Networks

Stefan Schmid is a Professor in Computer Science at the University of Vienna. He obtained his MSc and PhD from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, was a Postdoc at TU Munich and a Senior Research Scientist at T-Labs in Berlin, a visiting professor at CNRS-LAAS Toulouse and UCL Belgium, and an Associate Professor at Aalborg University. Stefan Schmid’s research interests revolve around networked and distributed systems, with a focus on algorithms. Stefan Schmid serves as the Editor of the Distributed Computing Column of the Bulletin of the European Association of Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), and as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM). He received the IEEE Communications Society ITC Early Career Award 2016.

Christian Timmerer: HTTP Adaptive Streaming – State of the Art and Challenges Ahead

Christian Timmerer is an Associate Professor with Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria. He is a co-founder of Bitmovin Inc., San Francsico, CA, USA, where he holds the position of Chief Innovation Officer, specifically Head of Research and Standardization. His research interests include immersive multimedia communications, streaming, adaptation, and Quality of Experience (QoE). He coauthored seven patents and more than 190 publications in workshops, conferences, journals, and book chapters. Dr. Timmerer was the General Chair of WIAMIS 2008, QoMEX 2013, ACM MMSys 2016, and ACM Packet Video 2018. He participated in several EC-funded projects, notably, DANAE, ENTHRONE, P2P-Next, ALICANTE, SocialSensor, ICoSOLE, and the COST Action IC1003 QUALINET. He also participated in ISO/MPEG work for several years, notably, in the areas of MPEG- 21, MPEG-M, MPEG-V, and MPEG-DASH. Further information can be found at